16. November 2023

Experience report: Trainee Sophia Amor reports

Sophia Amor, student at the Centre for Health Professions Tyrol, is in the middle of her training to become a health and nursing professional. She is currently completing her internship with us at the Dolomiti Sportclinic and has the opportunity to put her theoretical knowledge into practice. Individual and patient-oriented care is the top priority and restoring the health of the patients with the help of our trained doctors and nurses is part of the internship.

Her insight into anaesthetic care, operating theatre nursing and her work as an operating theatre assistant will prepare her for a future professional and qualified career. In order to be able to provide optimal care, support and treatment for affected people, she will be accompanied and prepared by a professional team.

Read here what Ms Amor herself says about her internship with us:

“Actually, I was asked to write only 3-4 sentences, however, with such an excellent training facility as the Dolomiti Sportclinic that is impossible. If I had to describe this house with one word, “familiar” would be the best. From the very first day, everyone welcomed me in a very friendly and appreciative way. As a trainee from another country, with little knowledge of Italian, this is no problem at all for the DSC team; if necessary, they simply speak English. Learning and further education are very important here. Whether in emergency, on the ward or in the operating theatre every important movement was explained to me in detail. I really appreciate the opportunity to work independently, which speaks for the quality of the clinic as a training center.

To see that a clinic that is inconspicuous from the outside offers so much talent, cohesion and knowledge is almost a stroke of luck for a student. Rarely, if never, have I felt as comfortable in a working environment as I do here and I can only praise everyone involved.

It is a pleasure and also an honour to be part of the team here for some time. I can only recommend an internship at Dolomiti Sportclinic to every student, as you gain so much knowledge for your further education.”